Friday, January 15, 2010

September 5th, 1997
6:45 amMoved to a bunk house went to sleep late. 11:30. enjoyed the late night stars, so beautiful. His wonderful creation. Its cold too. Dear God, Good morning Lord. Thank you for this day, please heal her eye. Thanks amen. 8:40 am. I realized now that I need to talk life one step at a time. Patiently and carefully. I should always remember this place, like it or not. 6:36 pm. I am home now. The final meeting we walked about Stephen. Acts 8:11, 6:8, 7:55. Sacrifice. Being fully committed and standing up for the truth. Wearing the belt of truth. Having compassion. Acts 7:59. Fear keeps us from doing what is right. She rested behind me. Odyssey is coming to me.Dear God, I pray for all your children at UCS school. I ask for their salvation. Thank you for them Oh Lord. Please be with Chris. Help this year. Bless it Amen.

September 6th, 1997Last night I listened to Adventures in Odyssey. It contained a relationship which God reflected back to one of my own. With a girl from last year. I must be patient in understanding her needs. She is God’s child. I can only pray for her. One day maybe she will want me to pray for her. God give me strength. Fools rush in. Dear God, I give this girl to you. I will pray for her. You can do Your will Lord. Please give me patience and kindness. Help me to do Your Will, not mine. Read Psalm 27. Thank you. Amen.

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