Tuesday, January 12, 2010

September 3rd, 1997

September 3rd, 1997
High School retreat time, we have these at the beginning of the year to get reacquainted with our classmates and teachers. As usual the adults are the easiest to visit with. Many prayer requests regarding parents, jobs, and life in general. A few people are not showing much kindness already, I can only pray for things to get better. I think I might try doing some filming this year, help out with some sporting events, . women’s volleyball perhaps. I have tried to keep smiling all day long. Pastor’s plan is going into effect, sort of, I am trying a mixed plan. I might try going to the lake later
Dear God, Please help us this week. I love these people. Let them know and feel the same. Amen.4:24The lake has changed. A new trampoline has been added. I did everything except the slide, this includes the ballon bounce. Then videoed a little, really enjoyed the boats. Water is pretty cold. I am having gun. 6:30 I find it difficult to be around people when they cuss, need prayer to understand. I do not know where I stand in this school yet. I did give 75cents and a coke to a friend. I will offer my towl to someone else tommrow. God creation is all around. I realized that on the bus. A creek can be heard and seen from my seat. The pain I see spiritually around here is sad. Dear God, Please help me to see their pain better. Amen. Thank you. Remember: I am new at this. Help my classmate with her stomach ache. 8:45pm The meeting was nice. Raised hands in worship. School goal is to seek God first. Matthew 6:31. People sometimes think the Bible is dull. In difficult times we need God’s authority and each other. Went well, not its bed time. Dear God, Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray O Lord my soul to keep. Bless the words in this book. Bless my friends. I love you Amen.

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