Thursday, January 7, 2016

Offering of Obedience and faith

And Abraham said, “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” So the two of them went together.
Genesis 22:8

We have been reading through Genesis this week as a family and tonight approached this chapter which is my favorite in the book. It is an amazing picture of a Father and Son who both walk together in obedience to a command and it ends with a sacrifice provided by God Himself. It is written as a foreshadowing of what would happen on the cross when the Son of God would be offered as a living sacrifice for the sins of the world.

My oldest was questioning why the Bible keeps saying, “offer your son, your only son.” When it occurs more than once it usually means it’s important enough to stop and ponder. I explained to her how Isaac was the child of the promise God made to Abraham, through Isaac would come generations of people and the Nation of Israel. Israel is there today as a testament to God’s faithfulness of keeping that promise. Along with that promise is the realization Abraham had when God told him to sacrifice his own son. Abraham still believed God would have to restore Isaac to him in order to keep his word. So it was an act of obedience showing his faith.

The cross was not a cosmic mistake or accident, nor was it a great human tragedy of unjust murder. No it is far greater than we imagine possible. Before the creation of the world itself God knew once mankind was created they would fall and need a savior. His plan of redemption went into effect before Adam even breathed his first molecule of oxygen. The work of the cross was an act of a righteous Son and Father working together on behalf of you because God is crazy about you. His desire is for your peace and life and salvation. So long before you were even born, He knew you. Long before any of us created sin debt, He paid the price in full. 

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